Tips for Christmas if You Had Weight Gain During the Pandemic

We can create our own reality.

Have you had weight gain during the pandemic? I know that for a lot of you, this year was really, really tough. We have been in isolation for a really long time. If any of you were in isolation like me, you might be saying that because I was stuck at home and bored, I have gained weight during the pandemic for whatever reason.

Maybe you are super anxious about going to Christmas parties or having people you know seeing that you gained weight because you’ve been hiding at home.

Do you want to know what to do about the anxiety of seeing people if you had weight gain during the pandemic?

Also where to go from here and moving forward in 2021?

Why don’t we go beyond the traditional way to lose weight and look at the potential to create whatever reality you want.

Maybe you felt stuck, claustrophobic, bored, depressed, or any of the negative emotions that came along with isolation. This may have contributed to your weight gain during the pandemic.

The first step is to really assess how you’re going about these holidays. If you are desperately trying to find a way to lose weight quickly and are stuck in this quick fix mentality – like losing water weight, skipping meals and then binging at the parties with food and drinks, then you may need to reassess.

If you continue that mindset, you’re just reinforcing those long-term habits that keep you in the yo yo dieting schedule.

Imagine saying to yourself, this is the last Christmas ever that I’m going to feel like this, and the last Christmas that I set a weight loss goal for the next year.

Can you imagine a reality where you never ever have to set a weight loss goal because you’ve kept it off.

That is what I experience. I don’t have to set a weight loss goal each year because I maintain the same weight. This is the reality I wanted because it’s exhausting to have to do it over and over again.

I teach people to create this reality as well.

Need some help digging into your personal mindset work?

My one-on-one coaching has spots open! We’ll dig deep into the stories that you tell yourself or have held as a belief since childhood. See how they affect your relationship with food and set goals to change them.

My coaching package includes Voxer support, weekly Zoom coaching calls (with replay ability!), and access to all of my courses as well. Plus, you get access to the courses as well after signing up for one-on-one coaching.

If you would like more information, email me at

We’ll jump on a call to see if this is really the best fit for you!

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Barbara Orban

Barbara Orban teaches online courses for spiritual women who want to lose weight, learn about manifestation, weight loss nutrition and live happier lives. She has certifications in Nutrition, Health Coaching, Personal Training and Eating Psychology. Barbara is dedicated to teaching you how to end yo-yo dieting and lose weight for life!