Now please don’t roll your eyes when I say: if you want to lose weight, it starts with self love.
All you girls that just want me to hand over the exact miracle diet and exercise plan that will solve all your problems I. see. you. rolling. those. eyes. Now stop it! I ask that you change your perspective if you want REAL results LONG TERM.
If you want to lose weight, studies show that we eat healthier when we are happy.
What is one MASSIVE contributor to not being happy? Hating your body. What’s the solution? Self love.
If you are under the belief that you can somehow shrink your thighs by constantly complaining that they are too big I’m here to tell you that you are wrong!
Being hard on ourselves as a motivator does not work as well as self compassion.
So if you have trouble staying motivated, approaching your situation from a place of self criticism and fear is not the answer.
Self love makes you happier.
When I was an emotional eater (I talk a bit about emotional eating here). I used to constantly feel hungry. When I dug deeper I realized that I was upset about my body, I didn’t like my body. Once I learnt to see my body from a different perspective, from a place of appreciation and beauty, it eased some of my emotional eating.
Not only that, but I FELT happier. I felt more comfortable in my skin. The thing is, self love takes constant practice and NONE of us are perfect at it. But we can improve.
We are bombarded with triggers to hating our bodies on a daily basis.
My suggestion if you are suffering from “my thighs are too fat” mindset, is to avoid triggers. My triggers used to be photos of other women I saw as fit or thin. I didn’t avoid it forever. I ask that you avoid only until your mind doesn’t automatically start telling you to change because you need to be as good as the girl in the photo.
My suggestion is to pay attention to your negative self talk and talk back.
It may go like this:
Negative thought: “uggg my thighs are so fat I need to exercise and eat healthier”.
Talk back: “No my thighs are beautiful, they walk me to where ever I need to go. I don’t need to change anything, it’s ok.”
Instantly your anxiety softens. This my dear is part of the solution to your uncontrollable appetite.
If you are trying to lose weight and you are one of those women that look at women with the ideal body as “motivation”, please stop. I used to be like that and honestly, it doesn’t work. You can’t be someone else, you can only be you. Focus on how unique and beautiful you are and trust me your best version will begin to flourish.
Once you are more confident within yourself and you see another beautiful woman, appreciate her beauty as well. Notice if you criticize other women’s bodies. If you do, you are simply mirroring your thoughts about yourself. Self love means that you can appreciate other people’s beauty without it detracting from your own beauty. Meaning that if another women is beautiful, it doesn’t make YOU any less beautiful.
We are all capable of achieving what we want. You just have to believe in yourself. If losing weight is that important to you, it will happen. But the solution is not about forcing yourself to look a certain way or hating and forcing yourself to change.
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