Are you an Emotional Eater?



You can either deny or admit to it, but chances are, every one of us at some point has been an emotional eater. Let’s talk about what it is and why it is an issue for you if you are wanting to lose weight.


But what exactly is Emotional Eating?


Emotional eating can be called binge eating, over eating or stress eating. For the sake of simplicity, let’s say I’m referring to eating for reasons other than hunger.


Genuine hunger takes several hours to develop, it comes gradually and it can generally wait. Emotional hunger can develop from a trigger such as a feeling, sight, taste or smell of food or simply because food is there. Emotional hunger wants to be satisfied instantly. It feels like you can’t go on unless it is satisfied. It’s when your thoughts are consumed by this hunger and it wants to be tamed with a specific food.


Emotional eating generally goes unnoticed because majority of people do it, so it’s considered normal.


You mindlessly eat in front of television until the food is gone. You are bored so you feel like a snack. These are all considered normal activities, right?


So why is Emotional Eating a problem?


When we eat for reasons other than genuine hunger, we teach our body to dull it’s signals. When you continue to ignore the feelings of fullness the body learns to switch off the gauge that tells you to stop eating. Once you have developed a habit of eating like this, it is so simple to gain weight as the body has lost its own innate response to tell you to stop eating.


Emotional eating teaches our body to get hungry due to a trigger rather then from a biological need for food. 


So what can you do about it? Fortunately it’s only a habit and habits can be changed. It’s actually easier than you think! You just need the right advice and the right tools. That’s why I’m here to help.


Here at No Diet Babe I use a different approach to weight loss. Rather than use a ‘band aid’ approach and give you a meal and exercise plan and tell you to ‘just stick to it’, I teach women how to change the causes of their weight gain. Weight loss becomes an effortless side effect of changing their relationship with food.


You can get my secrets for free in my resource library! Free Training’s, Affirmations, cheat sheets and more!

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Barbara Orban

Barbara Orban teaches online courses for spiritual women who want to lose weight, learn about manifestation, weight loss nutrition and live happier lives. She has certifications in Nutrition, Health Coaching, Personal Training and Eating Psychology. Barbara is dedicated to teaching you how to end yo-yo dieting and lose weight for life!