Click Play Below To Watch The Video On How To Get Motivated To Lose Weight! I have all the tips and tricks to train your subconscious mind to do the work for you! You will learn exactly how to apply the law of attraction with my special tools and tips to shift your mindset and […]
Tag: lose weight

Why Diets Sabotage Weight Loss
Watch the video below where I explain exactly why it isn’t about your willpower. Losing Weight or overcoming emotional eating isn’t about willpower. As soon as you tell yourself you are going on a diet, your brain freaks out! This isn’t your fault and I found a way around it! Press Play Below to find […]

Find Out What Habits Sabotage Weight Loss
So it all started when a family friend told me my mother should put me on a diet. I was 16 years old and from that point onward, my whole relationship with food and myself changed. Hi I’m Barbara Orban and I’m a former yo-yo dieter, binge eater, emotional eater, you name it, I […]