For those that are into the Law of Attraction, the biggest question is, Is It Possible To Use Manifestation To Lose Weight? Let me guess, you have been there done that with all the fad diets out there. You have successfully lost weight and then gained it back time and time again. […]
Tag: #advice

Why Diets Sabotage Weight Loss
Watch the video below where I explain exactly why it isn’t about your willpower. Losing Weight or overcoming emotional eating isn’t about willpower. As soon as you tell yourself you are going on a diet, your brain freaks out! This isn’t your fault and I found a way around it! Press Play Below to find […]

Please Don’t Ever Go On A 1200 Calorie Diet
Ladies, if you only take in one thing I say in all my posts, let it be this – DO NOT go on a 1200 Calorie Diet…EVER!! Let me put it into context for you. The reason I’m saying this is because it really upsets me how many “famous” diet programs there are that […]