Why You Get Addicted To Sugar

Why You Get Addicted To Sugar

Are you taking action on substituting sugar or cutting out sugar instead of dealing with the root cause.

When you’re in an inner battle trying to stop yourself from eating sugar what energy is this action coming from.

How much sugar to eat and the energy around investigating why you eat sugar.

The issues to do with sugar aren’t due to sugar itself but your emotional attachment to the palatability to food.

Food tastes better when you create an allure around it and you create an allure around sugar because you operate from a mindset that you shouldn’t eat it.

Why sugar itself isn’t addictive and what actually makes us addicted to certain foods.

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Barbara Orban

Barbara Orban teaches online courses for spiritual women who want to lose weight, learn about manifestation, weight loss nutrition and live happier lives. She has certifications in Nutrition, Health Coaching, Personal Training and Eating Psychology. Barbara is dedicated to teaching you how to end yo-yo dieting and lose weight for life!