For those that are into the Law of Attraction, the biggest question is, Is It Possible To Use Manifestation To Lose Weight?
Let me guess, you have been there done that with all the fad diets out there. You have successfully lost weight and then gained it back time and time again.
See the thing is, I used to blame my willpower. I used to think that I needed to just try harder, push myself and stay more motivated.
Or perhaps I didn’t know enough about nutrition and there was some secret combination of foods that I needed to find out about.
Either way I spent the most of my twenties wanting and wishing weight loss but not quite ever getting there or staying there.
I stumbled across some information about weight loss that no-one talks about, that information is about weight loss psychology.
Now I have studied weight loss psychology inside and out and am here to tell you that contrary to what most believe, nutrition knowledge is not the main factor in determining whether or not you will successfully keep the weight off, that actually your psychology is the main determining factor.
See the thing is all of your habits are behaviors you repeat over and over. Now we can all agree that habits play a huge role in whether or not you maintain your desirable weight. And guess what determines your behaviors?
Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
Now thoughts, feelings and beliefs are what we learn about in psychology and most of your manifestation, law of attraction and mindset books, courses etc.
You see whether or not you do it consciously or unconsciously your thoughts, feelings and beliefs are what create your reality.
Your reality is manifested from your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
Now specifically when we talk about the term “manifestation” we are referring to The Law of Attraction. Now most of you have heard of the book, The Secret or have heard of The Law of Attraction, but how often do we think of it in terms of weight loss?
I’m telling you it is a game changer. Being in conscious control of your life, your weight is amazing. I am here to change the weight loss industry and tell you that most fail, not because of will power, but because they haven’t got the right information.
OK so I know this is exciting and you are wondering, what do I do? Do I just visualize being slimmer and POOF I magically lose weight?
Now with anything to do with your psychology it’s never an overnight fix. The reason for this is your subconscious mind has been programmed a certain way. Neural pathways in your brain have been formed and used over and over. The way we change this and create new neural pathways and reprogram the subconscious mind is through repetition.
I used to have a perfectionist mindset of how I had to eat in order to lose weight l and whenever I strayed, I let my ego control how I was feeling and I would go from eating perfect to sabotaging everything.
I would feel guilty that I didn’t go to the gym.
I would feel guilty that I ate too much.
It’s not that eating a certain way or going to the gym doesn’t help with weight loss, of course it does. You have to eat consistently and on average be in a slight calorie deficit.
But many have this all or nothing view to weight loss and as soon as one day goes wrong –
Thoughts start to turn negative and as a result, motivation dies.
The problem is that you don’t see everything working in your favour and that regardless if you go to the gym or not, you are always on the right track.
In the beginning of my journey I was still binge eating. But with so much mindset trial and error I realised that if I consciously chose to think I was on the right track -> Eventually my behaviors followed.
Your thoughts repeat over and over.
Your habits are just thoughts guiding your behaviors on repeat.
This meant that even if I ate too much chocolate, I chose not to think thoughts that made me think my day was “ruined” and in turn make me feel guilty.
I chose to believe that I was always on the right track.
Eventually this manifested in actually being on the right track!
Your mind is VERY powerful. If you want to change your reality, you HAVE TO have the mindset of success.
That is actually the biggest secret I have learnt to overcome ANYTHING and achieve EVERYTHING.
Repeating the information to your brain, over and over and over and over. Until your thinking changes. Once your thinking changes, your reality changes. Your subconscious is now working for you, not against you.
The some tips and things to look at in order to manifest weight loss are:
Your relationship to food and your weight: Majority of women are trying to make changes from an energy of lack, they feel their life will only be “good” if they eat a certain way and lose weight.
Having an intuitive connection to your body: The dieting mindset encourages women to listen to their mind when eating instead of trusting their body. I believe that listening to the mind and ignoring the body is why people gain weight in the first place because they eat to fulfill unmet psychological needs.
Letting go of guilt around food and weight.
Click here to get access to TONS of FREE weight loss Content!
You will learn exactly how to apply the law of attraction with my special tools and tips to shift your mindset and energy around food, your weight and metabolism to allow your body to shed the excess weight that you don’t desire.
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