How your desire to lose weight is sabotaging your results.




So you have made the decision that you want to lose weight? No, who am I kidding – weight loss has been something you have always wanted. Yet every year, you lose and gain the same few pounds/kgs over and over again. Let me tell you why your desire to lose weight is actually sabotaging you.

If you are anything like I was, you dedicate a lot of time googling foods that are good for fat loss, cutting out carbs and trying various different exercise routines. Then if you are lucky, you finally push yourself, you workout religiously, you stick to the diet and…you lose weight! But, you always gain it back.

But let’s look at the bigger picture here…have you ever actually been free from the weight “issue” forever?

For me it was a constant see-saw of good and bad days and reminiscing about how happy I was when I felt slimmer. 


Overall you are never satisfied, you rarely feel content with yourself, you never reach that goal and stay there.

Babe the thing is you are missing a major piece of the puzzle! Your poor little mind can’t handle not feeling good enough all the time. As much as you might hate to hear this, your ability to polish off a whole block of chocolate after dinner is actually your body just trying to make you feel better. You brain is seeking PLEASURE. Think about it – you constantly body bash when you see your reflection in the store window, instantly you have anxiety run through you, oh I need to lose weight. This is a subtle form of stress. Then you feel anxiety again when you have to eat a salad whilst everyone else eats pasta. On top of that you never are good enough in your job, as a parent, as a spouse etc. Overtime your brain has had enough, just give me some pleasure!!!!

Sweetheart of course in these moments you need food to escape!


Now from a Law of Attraction perspective – like attracts like. So in the energy of “needing” to lose weight to feel better, you are in the energy of lack. The universe can’t give you what you desire from the energy of lack. In the energy of lack you will manifest more situations that leave you in the feeling of lack.

Think of it like this – if a girlfriend of yours was DESPERATE for a husband and you went to a bar and she claimed that she had to find her husband that night or else, how do you think that would work out for her? You can sense the desperation – your intuition tells you she is in the wrong ENERGY to attract a partner. It’s no different with everything else you desire. When you want it so bad that your happiness DEPENDS on it, chances are you won’t get it until you let go of the energy of lack and live your life.

An alternative mindset to help would be “I trust that I will get to where I want to be” – have positive expectation as opposed to I MUST change my weight now or else.


I’m not saying that you won’t lose weight when you sign up for a program, I’m saying that generally when you succeed in weight loss you have a positive expectation and a feeling that you are succeeding. The feeling of positive expectation and mindset that you are succeeding keeps you in a forward momentum and keeps you motivated, hence you succeed.


Majority of people gain the weight back or fail to lose because:

  1. The fear of failure and limiting beliefs come up when they get off track with eating and exercise – All or nothing thinking comes into play – “I am only succeeding when I am following my plan perfectly.” Then suddenly the fear and anxiety shifts their energy – they are no longer in alignment to weight loss. From a scientific perspective they start to feel like shit from the guilt so they use food to feel better.
  2. They never dealt with the emotional reasons why they turn to food in the first place.
  3. They have unrealistic expectations about weight loss, poor knowledge on metabolism and limit their energy intake too much in the first place.
  4. Have too much resistance in having more food (at the expense of following their meal plan) when their body is physiologically hungry – first and foremost work WITH your body, not AGAINST it!
  5. They haven’t worked on their relationship with food and their body and become a vibrational match to what they desire.
  6. They are constantly stressed and worried about whether or not it’s working

First of all babe I want you to realize that becoming more aware and conscious of your thoughts, feelings and limiting beliefs are the foundation of making any sort of permanent change!

The babes that I have been coaching are getting great shifts in their mindsets, experiencing less desire to overeat and weight loss! If you want this to be you I have one spot left for Jan 2018 coaching! If you want to change your life permanently and lose weight forever I invite you to schedule a free consultation with me to discuss my recommendations —>

Alternatively you can look at getting the online course and a quick acting bonus is that you get a free 1:1 60 mins coaching session with me when you pay in full!!


Love to you babe

Barb xoxo

No Diet Babe




Barbara Orban

Barbara Orban teaches online courses for spiritual women who want to lose weight, learn about manifestation, weight loss nutrition and live happier lives. She has certifications in Nutrition, Health Coaching, Personal Training and Eating Psychology. Barbara is dedicated to teaching you how to end yo-yo dieting and lose weight for life!