Prayer Affirmation Meditations and Subliminal Audio's To Help You Manifest Weight Loss By Shifting The Most Common Reasons Your Subconscious Mind Holds Onto Excess Weight

Do you gain weight back after you lose it?

Feel like there's a lot of resistance around changing your lifestyle even though you want to lose weight so badly?

Scared to diet again because you fear you will sabotage your efforts or gain the weight back once you lose it?

Feel pressure to perform and diet perfectly in order to impress others?

Tend to abandon your goals of losing weight when around others who eat a lot?

Have trouble eating consistently?

Tend to feel deprived when you diet?

Hi. I’m Barbara Orban. Not that long ago I was an emotional eater and chronic yo-yo dieter - A.K.A I was losing and gaining the same 20 pounds over and over again each year and it was exhausting.

I was so good at dieting when I had enough of my heavy weight - but then once I lost it I would gain it right back and the process became so exhausting I even gave up at one point and concluded that I have a slow metabolism and I can never ever be slim. I felt like my body was just not capable or designed to ever be slim.

I then realized there has to be an easier way. I tried for 10 years to follow dieting the traditional way and it just didn't work for me. No matter how motivated I was to lose weight, it would always find me somehow.

And the times I did stay at the lighter end of my weight, it required me to be really restrictive and perfect with my food.

It felt like such a struggle and there were even times where I ate 100% clean and still gained weight.

I decided that enough is enough.

I knew the dieting industry had no idea about eating psychology or how the psychology of our behaviors actually works and I set out to find out the solutions myself.

I took myself through a process of reprogramming my subconscious mind and after years of perfecting it I was finally able to lose and keep 30 pounds off. Guess what? I have KEPT IT OFF for over 5 years now, even though previously I would fluctuate several dress sizes on a regular basis.

You see the key to reaching your goal weight and staying there is understanding HOW we create and EXPERIENCE our reality.

So here's the secret that your personal trainer might not know: your weight is a result of your beliefs, emotions, thoughts, perceptions, attitudes and personality.

Here's a simple diagram of how your habits won't be changed permanently without doing further work on your subconscious mind:

Your behaviors are a result of your feelings and thoughts.

BUT HOW??? Isn't it just about adopting healthier habits? Don't I just need to eat less and exercise more?

Ummmm maybe, it really depends, but none of that will matter if your subconscious mind is not programmed to believe you are a person who does those things easily and has it work out, that you are a person who actually is capable of losing weight and keeping it off. If you don't truly believe that then you won't stick to it long term......

Maybe you are thinking - but I DO have good habits, BUT still I can't lose weight.

Sure, ok, but that's the issue here you see, you don't BELIEVE you can lose weight, we just proved that right there because your story in your mind says - I can't lose weight. Even if consciously you believe you can lose weight, your subconscious mind might not be on the same page, but more on that later.

It's not as crazy as it sounds, your brain alters your perception so even if you FEEL like you do the right things, your perception is projecting your beliefs onto your reality, I know this also because I can look back and see how I was always self sabotaging and couldn't figure out why at the time.

That means that everything around your decision making process HAS TO match your beliefs and beliefs are just thoughts you think over and over.

You won't see or be capable of executing the solutions - even though they are there - THERE ARE ALWAYS SOLUTIONS > and we all have the ability to execute them.

We create our own reality. Our reality IS A MANIFESTATION of our >

- beliefs

- emotions

- thoughts

- perceptions

- attitudes

- personality

and when we have the intention to deliberately change what we manifested in the past, we have to change the above to become a match to the person to is being and therefore has the thing that we desire.

Are you following?

In manifestation terms...our energy has to sync up with the thing you want. Your energy needs to be in alignment with the thing you want.

There's multiple ways to explain the same thing.

But the main point is that the main part of manifestation and what determines your reality is your subconscious mind.

Whenever you try to lose weight you might go well for a while, but no matter how hard you try, how much you intend to do it, something seems to hold you back or result in you gaining the weight back?



Yep, I said it - FALSE - but how?...........

Because you are using your conscious mind alone to try to lose weight, which only makes up a measly 10% of your behaviours and habits, if that.

Yes, that's right. ONLY 5 -10%.

Yet your SUBCONSCIOUS makes up 90 - 95% of your lifestyle habits.

Your conscious mind, is the mind that you think with all day long.

It's the mind you think needs to carry all the burden of weight loss, hence why you perceive weight loss to be "hard". Your conscious mind is your internal voice that you think of as “me”.

But the conscious mind is extremely limited in what it can accomplish on its own.

Studies have shown that it can only hold a handful of ideas at any one time. That’s why the majority of your life is run automatically by your other mind – the subconscious.

Think about the last time you drove home automatically and can't remember the whole drive home? Which mind do you think got you home? Your conscious mind? Or subconscious mind?

Imagine if you programmed your subconscious mind to drive the wheel of the way you eat and manage your weight so that it automatically made you the weight you desire to be naturally? That your behaviours and functioning of your body just lined up?

It would mean that you could focus on your life the same way that you don't always have to talk yourself through how to drive home!

No, it's NOT far-fetched or too good to be true and those that feel that way have simply not repeated information to their subconscious mind with enough time and dedication. It's as simple as that...more on that below...

If you have trouble losing weight there is only one explanation to the ROOT CAUSE...

only one explanation to self sabotage and why you don't eat consistently with your goals.

Your subconscious is not aligned or programmed to be aligned with your goal.

If it was, you would have been able to find and execute the solution to permanently lose weight.

So the REASON why you haven't been able to lose weight is because you are fighting against 90% of your brain

No wonder weight loss FEELS so hard and you've struggled for so long.

In fact your mind is so powerful it literally distorts your perception of reality to make it seem that weight loss is not possible for you if you have a strong subconscious belief that you can't lose weight.

How do I know this? Besides learning about this for 10+ years I also have experienced it first hand myself, I used to believe it was impossible for me to be slim. I would make up stories in my mind that I couldn't eat carbs and that I gained weight easily - even though none of that was actually true!

So how do you manifest weight loss permanently like I did? How do you actually shift and change the subconscious mind?

Well the good news is that your brain is NOT hard-wired.

It is now widely known and been proven by science that your brain is able to create NEW neural pathways and completely re-wire your brain.

If You Want To Change Your Weight, You Need To Change Your Brain

Part of the work of manifestation is learning to identify and shift your limiting beliefs. Your limiting beliefs as you know them are just self-imposed limitations. You don't necessarily consciously impose them but your subconscious does.

That's right.

Any and all of the beliefs that you defend so much to be true about the reasons you can't lose weight are SELF-IMPOSED LIMITATIONS.

Remember that diagram from before?

Thoughts Create Feelings > Feelings Create Behavior > Behavior Creates Thought > Thoughts Become Beliefs > Thoughts Create Feelings > The Cycle Repeats

So then when you don't lose weight, or even gain it back the brain protects the ego by creating new limiting beliefs to explain and place meaning on why you haven't succeeded at losing weight.

These beliefs look and feel real - that's what limiting beliefs are - they are meant to feel true because that's how our brains are. But they are not ultimately true.

Beliefs and fears that you have

a slow metabolism,

a weight set point,

that it's due to genetics,

that you have to eat clean 100% of the time,

that you can only lose weight if you are perfect,

that you always fail,

that you will always gain it back,

that it's due to your hormones,

that it's due to stress,

that there is some unknown reason why you can't lose weight that you haven't figured out yet....etc....

It is in your best interest to overcome these beliefs on a subconscious level if you want to lose weight permanently in the future...

Don't feel shame or despair though, in fact, feeling shame and despair right now is all part of the process of healing.

This is part of the process of manifestation. Action comes more naturally from alignment. That is why now I know how EASY weight loss is, whereas in the past I saw it has HARD. Alignment creates clarity, it lets you “see” solutions - so if you try something and you can’t seem to “make it happen” - sorting through and shifting limiting beliefs is how you get things to be simple.

When you experience weight loss as hard, it usually means you feel powerless, you feel out of control because there's s much advice out there and you feel that you have failed so many times. What you actually want is clarity. Clarity about food decisions and a deep faith and knowing that you are losing weight.

Think about what 10 people who have lost weight have in common?

They have clarity about what worked for them.

I see this in Facebook Groups all the time, someone will express a desire to lose weight and you will literally have people preaching 30 different methods.

Do Keto! Intermittent Fasting! Vegetarian! Gluten Free! Vegan! Macros! Juice Cleanse! Smoothies! Shakes! Supplements! More Exercise!

The list goes on! Then you are left feeling more confused and defeated than ever. But remember - the common denominator is the clarity and knowing that they have found what works for them.

What stresses people out about dieting is not so much the “dieting” itself. Dieting is just EATING and you EAT everyday. It’s the energy - EMOTIONS associated with it. The CONDITIONS….

The belief systems coming from deep in the subconscious mind of HOW IT HAS TO GO FOR YOU.

But honey, you create your reality. You know this right? Well that is I'm going to make sure you believe that with these audios....

I decided that I wanted to be naturally slim and you can decide whatever you want too!

That doesn't mean it was a quick fix, I'm not here to offer you gimmicks or fads, I'm telling you that if you commit to repeating new information to your brain on a continuous and regular basis, it doesn't matter if it takes you 5 weeks, 5 months or 5 years, the outcome of reprogramming your mind is inevitable.

You are not so special that what has been 100% proven in science again and again does not apply to you - that the brain is NOT hard-wired. THE BRAIN IS SOFT-WIRED. So if you are human, I mean you could be an alien? but if you are human then YOU CAN REPROGRAM YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND.

Like I said, it doesn't matter if it takes 5 weeks, 5 months or 5 years - when you repeat the work of reprogramming the mind to your brain it will change.

In the beginning I realised how many of my thoughts were opposing the exact thing I wanted. So that can be a tough pill to swallow when you first start this work, but especially with the help of subliminal audios that I provide you can fast track the process. But just know it is all NORMAL and part of the process, your subconscious will usually like to make stories that it's not enough and it's not working and it goes all skeptical which is why I created these audios to help you shift those stories!

I want to help you shift your reality by helping you shift your beliefs, shifting your beliefs will be the driving force that leads to how you perceive weight loss and the conditions of weight loss.

So you might be do I reprogram my subconscious mind?

Well the truth is there's no quick fix, I take you through many processes and tools in my courses to change your subconscious, but one tool that stands out and has really helped me break so many patterns stemming from childhood is subliminal audio's.

Subliminal Audio's To help you reprogram your subconscious mind and shift your limiting beliefs.

What Are Subliminal Messages and Subliminal Audios?

Subliminal means below the threshold of sensation (hearing) or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.

So subliminal audio is when affirmations are played at a level you are unable to hear consciously – but that your subconscious mind can perceive. I have been listening to subliminals now for a while and I can usually make out whispers. Especially with my silent audios without music, you might hear whispers but won’t be able to make out the words that I am speaking.

All of my audios in the program can be played online or downloaded and each of the audios has the exact affirmations included so you know what you are listening to.

It can also help to write affirmations out daily, so it's great to refer to the lists provided!

I have included affirmations in both "I am" form and "you are now" form with confirming statements such as, "yes, that's right" and "Of course" so that you're brain helps to recognize them as your new truth.

These subliminal affirmations are designed to bypass your conscious mind and go straight into your subconscious. Because your conscious mind can’t make out the exact words of the affirmations, it can’t put up any resistance, which is usually what makes listening to affirmations really hard. When you listen to an affirmation like “I am easily reaching my ideal weight” - your conscious mind might say, well that is not true. So listening to subliminal audios consistently and regularly can help overcome resistance and support your reprogramming work.

In my experience, subliminals work great in conjunction with your conscious self development and limiting belief/manifestation work. I do not think they are a magic pill that enables you to suddenly start losing weight. However, they are a great tool that help you fast track and overcome the resistance you might feel when trying to reprogram your subconscious.

I made these audios specifically for weight loss because I have been doing a lot of research on what kind of weight loss subliminal audio's are available and found none that really hit on the changes and belief systems I made to my subconscious about my relationship to food and my weight that actually resulted in my releasing 30 pounds for good.

Most are using really generalized affirmations that don't go into the depth required to shift multiple aspects of why we hold onto excess weight.

You will receive all the subliminal audios listed below with this course. Each one comes with a silent version, a musical version and a version with brain wave technology.

Brain Wave Technology - Each audio has a version with Binaural Beats and a version without brain wave technology. You also get a silent version! The silent audios are designed to be able to be played on repeat for the entire night and the music ones (or silent) can be played all day long!

You may want to ease your mind into it though, my experience with subliminal audios was that I felt drained initially but now feel energised and they have an instant calming affect depending on the type of messages they deliver.

Help transform your subconscious mind with these amazing subliminal audio's. Each also includes an Affirmation/Prayer Meditation Version AS WELL!!!!:

Below was me back when I was a yo-yo dieter and emotional eater, this is not even at my heaviest, because as if I would have taken a photo then, I stayed hidden from shame, I struggled with this for over 10 years. 

I gained weight easily when I strayed and felt ashamed to show myself in public during times when I was “failing” with my eating.  

I was filled with anger and resentment about how hard it was for me around eating and my weight and how no matter how hard I try it just was not easy for me to manage my weight.

I envied skinny women that seemed to eat whatever they wanted and maintain slim figures with ease.  

I felt like I had been doomed with a slow metabolism because every time I ate bread or pasta I would put on weight.  

I felt left out when others would enjoy cake or pizza and I turned it down to prevent weight gain.  

I would sign up for all the gimmick programs that promise that you will lose 30 pounds in a week.

 I would go really well for periods of time eating healthy only to end up over eating or worse bingeing on mudcake, chocolate, ice-cream, nutella and anything else in sight. Then feeling immense guilt and shame once the food was finished and I was hit with the reality of what I had just done.

I felt like I didn’t deserve to eat fattening foods because I wasn’t skinny enough to justify eating it and I felt judged if I ate those foods.  

I felt lost when it came to knowing what advice to follow and who to listen to. I would spend endless hours googling for the answers only to find fad diets, weight loss gimmicks and money grabbing pills and shakes, personal training programs that just did not get me anywhere and left me angry and saying a big F*ck You to the weight loss industry.  

I got to the point where I was just tempted to conclude that getting fatter as I got older was inevitable and that my weight gain was due to reasons out of my control.

But all of that has changed now and for the last 5 years I have found it easy and I don't have to think about it much..


The best part is not just the weight loss.....

But the freedom from the fluctuations

Do you know the pain of having various sizes in your closet?

I do

and if you are here I'm sure you do too.

It doesn't have to be that way when you change your subconscious mind....

Because now I know the joy of fitting into the same clothes for 5 years in a row.

And you can too.

But don't just listen to me, here's what other people have said about my courses/coaching......

Other students who have taken my courses:


Part of me is skeptical can I actually change my weight with my mindset?

Yes, what determines your habits and what you do is your conditioning, we change your conditioning and that is how you change your behaviours and in turn your reality.

Will I lose weight if I listen to these subliminal audio's and do nothing else?

Unfortunately there is no quick fix or magic pill or potion to make you lose weight, rewiring your subconscious mind requires conscious work and connection to your emotions, I recommend you check out my courses and use in conjunction. I have found subliminal audios to have a profound effect when I use them daily and have noticed massive changes in conjunction with the conscious effort I put into rewiring my subconscious.

Is this a course?

No, as stated this is a subliminal audio package, there is a package of subliminal audio's for you to use.

Are results guaranteed with these audio's?

No, I cannot guarantee weight loss and no-one ever should. Your journey is individual to you, I believe that anything is possible for you and I want to do my best to help you connect WITH yourself so that the solutions come to you, but I do not have the power to guarantee weight loss and anyone who does is likely just promoting water loss, not permanent fat loss.

Do you offer refunds?

No, all sales are final, no refunds under any circumstances because these audios are downloadable.

Questions? email

These subliminal audios are not sold separately! Each is worth $19.95 so you are getting over $1000 value!


(WAS $197) now $49

By purchasing this product you agree to the Terms & Conditions

(All Prices Are In USD With Love)

QUESTIONS? EMAIL: By purchasing you agree to my Standard Terms and Conditions REFUND POLICY: Please note that due to the nature of these audios all sales are final and there are no refunds. If you have questions, please email before ordering.

You will receive an email to register shortly after payment, although there is sometimes a slight delay, please also check junk mail!

These subliminal audios are not sold separately! Each is worth $19.95 so you are getting over $1000 value! BUT you won't pay that if you buy today!

By purchasing this product you agree to the Terms & Conditions

(All Prices Are In USD With Love)

QUESTIONS? EMAIL: By purchasing you agree to my Standard Terms and Conditions REFUND POLICY: Please note that due to the nature of these audios all sales are final and there are no refunds. If you have questions, please email before ordering.

You will receive an email to register shortly after payment, although there is sometimes a slight delay, please also check junk mail!

By purchasing this product you agree to the Terms & Conditions

Email for any questions

© 2020  

DISCLAIMER: Please seek the advice of a healthcare professional for your specific health concerns, for diagnosis and treatment for any health conditions & eating disorders. This does not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any eating disorders or health conditions or diseases, nor do I guarantee or warrant results. The results on this page may not be typical for all students.